News and Updates

See what's changed recently!

MIT and Number of Children Desired

How many kids do MIT students want?

Two-Stage Optimization

Jobs and Coverage: Inventing New Methods


Playing and optimizing Net

Women's World Cup Predictions

Adam predicts the world!

Belief Unbounded: God and ETs

What people think of different non-mundane concepts

God and Extraterrestrials

Do you believe?

MIT: Mindful, Intentional Treading

Balancing complementary principles

Academics → Sparkling Classes

Click to see my favorite MIT classes!

Arts → Artwork

Click to see my paintings!

16 Personalities

Indicate your type here!


A landscape formed by statistics principles.


Little by little


Maybe, unlike all other species, humans are fundamentally destructive.

"Piano Canvas"

Music, an open frame.

Easter Egging MIT

To go wide, go deep


Variations on the Van de Graaff machine.


Academic Philosophy

Voice your opinion on academic fields!

The Archipelago Campaign

Fun in the Spring

Mathematics, a Premier Art

Back to the Promised Land of Plenty

Orders of Occurrence

The Hierarchy of Interpretation

"Astronomically Long Field Goal"

Over the deserts and through the skies, for 67 yards we kick…

For the Beauty of the Romantic

A piano exploration continuation

A Baroque, Styrian, Furious Lark's Glory

A piano journey into the unknown

"2019 in Flux"

Nature versus technology, sponsored by physics

"The Art of Music"

Art and music, two expressions of the same essence

"Win ARML 2018"

A propaganda poster for a victory at America's big high school math competition

"Crazy Piano"

My first painting, on the pianistic imaginarium

Adam's 10 Principles

For the Strategy of the World

Reading in its Rightful Place

For the Beauty of the Soul

Music, the rightful ruler of our hearts

Perspectives on Coding

Bricks, languages, actualizations, and writing

Writing as Strategic Release

The Alchemy of Thoughts

Rainfall of the Future

Water in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Decades of Life

Prosperity at MIT

The Depth to Know, the Bravery to Inquire, the Curiosity to Seek

Dichotomy of Self

Internal and External

A Battle Against the Dying Flame

How to capture momentum and prevent it from disappearing.

The Beautiful, Blue-Collar Nature of Code

Keep the means and ends distinct, and you’ll create a nice house.

Concision and Precision

How to win writing

The Business of Castles

Castles mean business. Startups are castles.

Topp-ing the Field

Improvisation at Entrepalooza

The Quadriplex System

All 4 One and One 4 All

The Triplex Mindset

Structuring Campaigns with Math, Geography, and Military

Underrated Strategy: Personal Website

15th-century printing presses, 19th century lightbulbs, 21st century websites?

Stocking Up on Trading

Losing the battle for money, winning the war for virtues

Website Under Construction!

From 8/31-9/7, will be built.