Survey on Academic Philosophy

How do you interpret academia and fields of knowledge?
All questions are optional. Provide as much or as little information as you want.

First Name

Last Name

MIT Email

Class Year

Course #

Indicate your level of agreement with the following 14 statements.
1 = disagree; 5 = agree; 3 = neutral

Math is the ultimate language of the universe, from which everything derives.
disagree - - agree

Math is based on empiricism and reality, not intuitive, ethereal, or spiritual meaning.
disagree - - agree

Math should be grouped with the humanities & arts because it answers philosophical questions.
disagree - - agree

Math should be grouped with the sciences because it is an exact study.
disagree - - agree

Math is more art than science.
disagree - - agree

Science will eventually be able to explain everything in the world.
disagree - - agree

Grouping academic endeavors as either STEM or non-STEM is accurate.
disagree - - agree

When making policy, science is the most important perspective to consider.
disagree - - agree

Music is fundamentally deeper than other fields of study.
disagree - - agree

Music, art, and literature are three expressions of the same essence.
disagree - - agree

Humanities offer less value than sciences because they are inexact & subjective.
disagree - - agree

Coding is beautiful only in its ability to solve problems, not in and of itself.
disagree - - agree

Coding is ‘blue-collar’ and serves as a construction tool, not a theoretical venture.
disagree - - agree

Religion can be considered as the study of how to live life.
disagree - - agree

Open-ended, if you'd like to write about your opinions/explore further.
If you drew a map of academics, what would it look like? Which subjects would go together?
Do you believe any fields are over/underrated or -represented? If so, why?
What fields do you see yourself engaging with in the near future (now – 5 years)?
Any comments or questions? Feel free to email as well!